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Kenosha PD K9 Unit

The Kenosha Police Department canine program was established in 1968 at the CPDCTC (Chicago Police Department Canine Training Center). During the infancy of the canine unit, the department used only German Shepherds which were typically imported from Europe. The canine unit was often comprised of only one or two dual-purpose canines until the unit was dissolved in the 1990s due to budgetary concerns. The unit was revitalized in 2006 with the help of the community and numerous generous donations.
      Currently, our canine unit is comprised of two dual-purpose canines assigned to second and third shift patrol, and an electronic detection canine assigned to the detective bureau. Our dual-purpose canines are trained in scent detection and apprehension exercises. They can track and trail suspects and missing people, locate discarded evidentiary items, and alert to the odor of narcotics. These skilled animals are certified through a local certified instructor and judge of PSP-1 (Polizeispuerhundpruefung). The German word Polizeispuerhundpruefung translates to "Police Patrol Dog Examination." The PSP-1 has been used for over 50 years as a performance standard for federal, state, and military agencies worldwide.
      Our electronic detection canine is utilized in our Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ICAC). This specialized dog was donated by our partners at Operation Underground Railroad and is skilled at locating electronic devices utilized in human trafficking. This highly trained and specialized canine was trained and certified by Jordan Detection K9.
      All proceeds from sales from this website go directly to the Kenosha Police Department's Canine Unit and help care for, maintain, and train these working dogs. 

Our K-9s


Canine Lupo is a dual-purpose Belgian Malinois from Hasselt, Belgium, born in November of 2019. He is currently assigned to second shift patrol with his handler Officer Barriere. Lupo is trained in scent detection and apprehension exercises. Lupo can trail suspects and missing people, locate discarded evidentiary items, and alert to the odor of narcotics. He is certified through a local certified instructor and judge of PSP-1. As with all of our handlers, Canine Lupo lives with his handler and is a beloved member of their family.


Canine Mika is a dual-purpose Belgian Malinois from Holland, Netherlands, born in 2023. He is currently assigned to third shift patrol with his handler Officer Glaum. Mika is trained in scent detection and apprehension exercises. He was trained at Cedar Creek Kennels during a ten-week development and handler school. Mika can track and trail suspects and missing people, locate discarded evidentiary items, and alert to the odor of narcotics. He is certified through a local certified instructor and judge of PSP-1.


Canine Knox is a dual-purpose Belgian Malinois from Germany, born in 2023. He is currently assigned to third shift patrol with his handler Officer Newell. Knox is trained in scent detection and apprehension exercises. He was trained at Cedar Creek Kennels during an eight-week development and handler school. Mika can track and trail suspects and missing people, locate discarded evidentiary items, and alert to the odor of narcotics. He is certified through a local certified instructor and judge of PSP-1.


Tilly is a the Department's Therapy Canine and is assigned to our PEER Team. Tilly is a Labrador Retriever that was generously provided by Partners with Paws Service Dogs.  Her Handler, Officer Tetrick, is a member of our PEER Team. Tilly and Officer Tetrick are looking forward to working within the department and outside the department as they serve the City of Kenosha! 


Canine Iris is an English Labrador Retriever, born in 2019. She is currently assigned to our sensitive crimes / ICAC unit in the detective bureau with Detective Deates. Iris was trained and certified through Jordan Detection K9. Iris was donated by our partners at Operation Underground Railroad and is skilled at locating electronic devices utilized in human trafficking. Iris is often used during search warrants to quickly locate items of evidentiary value. Canine Iris actively participates in a variety of community events, serving as a beacon of hope and unity. Her presence at community events is uplifting and reassuring, fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and the public. It is not uncommon for community groups to specifically request her presence, demonstrating the profound impact she has had in bridging the gap between law enforcement and citizens.

Past K-9s


Canine Hutch was a dual-purpose German Shepherd born in Hungary. He served with Adam Jurgens from 07-05-17 until 11-06-23 when he passed away.


Ace was a dual-purpose German Shepherd that worked with two different handlers and retired in November of 2023.


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